Fridays for Gardening

Our philosophy: Fridays for Gardening
… in a world of Permaculture
- Fridays mark the end of the work or school week and the beginning of the weekend, when you can do the things that bring you joy and do good to your soul.
- Gardening stands for gardening as the most natural activity of prehistoric man, who had to provide for himself and was still aware of his unity with nature. Hence, Mother Earth.
- Permaculture stands for gardening/cultivation in harmony with nature and in consideration of the laws of nature as well as the natural needs of plants and soil.
“Fridays for Gardening“, is not simply gardening, but it is permaculture gardening as it was practiced in the past by our ancestors who lived in harmony with gardens, nature and plants and had a great respect for and deep love of "Mother Earth".
Dive with us into the world of gardening and awaken the lost part of the gardener in you, in order to transform yourself from a technology- and consumption-oriented person to a nature person, who is no longer isolated from the wonderful forces and abundance of nature, but who is connected to it.
By the way: Whether spring, summer, autumn or winter, gardening is always possible - outdoor and indoor.
We want to get you excited about 2 things:
- Dedicating your Friday/weekend to gardening and connecting with the earth, flora, self-cultivation and nature.
- Become acquainted with PERMACULTURE GARDENING, learn the basic principles and grow your own fruits and vegetables in your garden (or in a community garden) according to permaculture standards and become a permaculture hobby gardener.
We want to give you addresses of existing permaculture sites in Germany and Europe, where you can get a taste of how permaculture works (guided tours, courses, seminars etc.), where you can learn and practice permaculture cultivation (leisure and vacation internships), where you can participate in a permaculture project that exists or is being established and thus become part of a permaculture community.
Our future lies not in theorizing, demonstrating and rebelling, but in practical action in what is considered man's primal domain: gardening and cultivating the earth in harmony with nature, with the aim of providing us with fresh, high-quality, nutrient-rich food.
Contact us if you are interested and would like to participate at:
Alexandra Walterskirchen (1. Chairwoman AdmaCUM e.V.)

Our future vision: Fridays for Gardening
… in a world of Permaculture
Do you love the earth? Do you see the earth as a "great mother”? Who provides for us. Who feeds us. Who we must treat respectfully and mindfully.
In their greed and carelessness humans have done a lot to the earth! And nevertheless, there have always been people who have looked after, respected and protected the earth.
The earth can speak and it speaks permanently to the people. Can you hear and understand it? No? Then we invite you to learn the language of the earth again.
We invite you to reconnect with the earth and with nature.
It is an open secret that the earth and the nature on it are a cornucopia, but only for those who speak its language, understand it and follow its rules.
Learn to garden again, to cultivate in the soil of the earth, to make it fertile, so that it sprouts from it - completely to the joy of the earth! Then she pours out her horn of plenty over you: Cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, strawberries, raspberries, spinach, lettuce, herbs and much more. All free gifts from the earth, because you don't have to pay anything for them.
Fridays for Future is for some. Fridays for Gardening for others. Some demonstrate in cities; others practice in gardens. Some erect roadblocks, others build patches in which to grow vegetables. Some fight for climate protection and throw their Coke cans carelessly on the ground, others channel their energies into organic farming and protect earthworms & Co. Some go to Fridays for Future events on Fridays, others take their shovels and rubber boots and plant a permaculture garden for self-sufficiency. Where are you drawn to? What is your heart beating for?
If your heart beats for Fridays for Gardening, then go out on Friday after school or work into nature, into your garden, or into a gardening community in which you can garden (urban gardening) and which grows according to organic or permaculture standards. And since it is so much fun, you can continue on Saturday, or maybe even over the whole weekend. Then you return to your school or work on Monday refreshed and relaxed.
Would you like to participate in Fridays for Gardening and create your very own FRIDAYS FOR GARDENING? Then write to us at the email address
"Fridays for Gardening" is a section of the non-profit cultural and educational association AdmaCUM e.V. and is financed by donations. Your donation is very welcome!
Alexandra Walterskirchen (1. Chairwoman AdmaCUM e.V.)

Our concept presentation: Fridays for Gardening
… in a world of Permaculture
We need to go back to our roots, to nature, to gardening, to the gardens of paradise. Standing in a permaculture garden, you feel the abundance of nature, the presence of the Garden of Eden. To participate in it, to take part in cultivating and gardening, gives a deep joy.
Permaculture is the future of our earth and humanity!
Permaculture means gardening and cultivating in harmony with nature (instead of against nature as is the case with industrial agriculture). Studies have shown that permaculture increases yields, protects the soil and protects biodiversity.
According to a study by the French agricultural research centre INRA (conducted in 2011-2015), the yield of permaculture cultivation is three to four times higher than that of conventional vegetable cultivation. This would mean that with permaculture cultivation it is possible to provide all the people in the world with enough good food.
Let us be aware: Due to the current industrial, conventional agriculture, our ecosystems and the soils have been largely destroyed. Cultivation is becoming more and more difficult and costly, and the food produced is getting worse and worse. Experts warn: The supply of humanity with healthy food is severely endangered for the future. Therefore, a change of course is urgently needed!
With our new project "Fridays for Gardening”, we want to show Permaculture Cultivation as an alternative. We want to motivate interested people to open up to the field of permaculture and give them the necessary information, know-how and support to learn and practice permaculture. "Fridays for Gardening" could even become a complementary subject in schools and be practised every Friday.
The concept of “Fridays for Gardening” includes the following areas:
- Admission and listing in our permaculture network
- Examples of existing permaculture projects
- Listing of permaculture partners and consulting centres
- Overview of permaculture events and course information
- Offer of guided tours through permaculture sites
- Overview of internship opportunities in permaculture sites
- Participation opportunities in existing permaculture projects
- Special youth work "learning permaculture" at schools
- Permaculture literature recommendations
Would you like to join "Fridays for Gardening" and be listed in our network for free? Be it with courses, lectures, guided tours, internship offers, consultations, etc.? Or would you like to support "Fridays for Gardening" financially, ideally or in any other way? Then write to us at
"Fridays for Gardening" is a section of the non-profit cultural and educational association AdmaCUM e.V. and is financed by donations. Your donation is very welcome!
Alexandra Walterskirchen (1. Chairwoman AdmaCUM e.V.)